Glass Partitions

Glass Partitions – Add Impact & Improve Your Workspace

Glass has several properties which make it highly valued as a material for interior design. Low cost, completely transparent and strong enough to form a firm barrier, glass is perfect when you want to close off an area without shutting out light and restricting lines of sight. Consider windows. Glass is used in 99.9 per cent of windows because it lets light in, it allows us to see out, it forms a barrier to shut us in from the elements, and it does not break the bank either. A perfect match of material to purpose. The same applies to glass partitions. Glass partitions are basically internal glass walls used to define, close off and demarcate spaces. They are used when you want to differentiate between different areas without shutting in areas in completely.

In modern commercial offices, especially cities like London, square footage and space is at a premium. The cost of expansion is high and the inconvenience of moving is huge. For many, business interruption is too great a risk and thus, any relocation becomes a non-starter.

As an alternative, many business owners are looking to use glass partitioning to break up rooms into more usable and adaptable spaces as a cost effective and flexible solution, with the most popular material in achieving this is being glass. With various options now available on the marketplace, glass partitions not only allow offices to become more adaptable and flexible in their application, they can also bring a whole new look and fresh appeal to what was once a drab and uninspiring interior space. The fact is, glass can really make a huge impact visually and functionally, without breaking the budget.

Here’s just some of the reasons why glass partitioning can be the ideal solution to office space and expansion issues:

1. Lighting

Solid stud walls create a permanent structure that is immovable which can affect the existing lighting of nearby areas, not to mention the new room created. With that, fixed artificial lighting has to be installed to the new area meaning there is no natural light coming in. With glass partitions, this is not an issue. The existing natural light can flood into the newly created partitioned area and reflect light back into other areas where low light existed, thus creating a two-fold benefit.

2. Modernisation

No matter how old, outdated or drab your existing office feels, glass partitions never fail to modernise how a space looks and give it a contemporary feel. And this can really prove to be a huge boost to morale and productiveness in your workforce.

3. Cost

Contrary to what many people belief, glass partitions are actually very cost effective when compared to the investment required to install fixed, structural partitions. With their naturally tendency to insulate and absorb light, rooms using glass tend to be much warmer than people realise.

4. Styles

No two glass partitions are the same! Nowadays, there are various finishes available to give your office a unique look including frosted, tinted and coloured glass, thus making it possible to create customised and branded private areas without cutting off the rest of the workroom floor entirely, even in busy areas.

5. Noise

High quality glass partitions are very good at reducing background noise. With their toughened double glazed structure, they are naturally much better at soundproofing than traditional stud wall partitions.

6. Flexibility

With the help of a professional designer and installer, glass partitions do not necessarily have to stay in any fixed position. Many systems allow them to be moved or slid into different places, making them adaptable to create customised partitioned areas to suit your needs for any given scenario. So your rooms can be either as large or as small as you desire.

Having installed countless glass partitioning systems over the years, I have seen first hand just how much of a positive impact they can have on any commercial space. Glass is a brilliant material for adding impact but it also comes with all of the added benefits mentioned above. It’s a great choice for any office owner struggling to find usable space where they feel they are outgrowing their environment and moving is simply not an option.

If you feel your office is not working for your business anymore, perhaps glass partitions should be your next consideration.

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