Internal Glass Sliding Doors


Internal Glass Sliding Doors | 1 April 2021

The glass sliding door is a unique horizontal opening solution. Whenever someone enters your home or a room within your home, the very first thing they see is the door, and often this sets the mood for what lies beyond the threshold. Internal Sliding Glass Doors are extravagant and stylish additions to your home and exude class and finesse. We have a variety of glass finishes available for your next interior sliding door, from frosted glass to laminate glass, and glass doors with grooves within.

There are a variety of space saving doors that allow you extra space in your home, but sliding doors are the ones that are able to maximise your space completely. Essentially, these doors operate without a hinge so they sit on a track instead of swinging open like standard doors. Thanks to this feature, no extra space is required due to the process of the sliding doors – they open up by one door sliding over another panel.

Security is a valuable consideration when it comes to investing in doors, just like it is when you invest in a property, or a car for example. You need to ensure that the doors you invest in are made from the most premium quality so it prevents thieves and potential burglars to enter your home. You should look for sliding doors which feature incorporated gaskets and aluminium seals. As well as this, a hook over locking mechanism is a sensible choice as it prevents the sliding leaf from being lifted out of it’s frame.

When investing in doors, you need to determine how energy efficient they actually are and what you can do to improve this throughout your home. We all like to keep our homes warm when the winter season hits, so we’re not racking up the heating bill. This applies to the summer season too; we ensure our home stays cool so we don’t feel like we’re living in a real life house oven. There are sliding doors that are fitted with composite gaskets, and these are what offer optimal thermal insulation. This ultimately is a weather and sound barrier where it keeps out drafts, dust, rain and sound.

Thanks to the large glass panels on sliding doors that run from the top to the bottom of each panel, it maximises the amount of daylight that can shine through. Natural light is no doubt, a major benefit to us provided by nature itself. By increasing our home’s exposure to the sun with windows and doors, it not only creates a warmer, happier atmosphere in the home, but a more sustainable one too!

The majority of homeowners are looking for clarity, transparency, and light for their rooms. Besides these benefits, it is always the modern look that the sliding glass doors bring with them when installing in any property.

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